September 24, 2023

Pentecost 17 ~ Proper 20

10:00AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
Celebrant & Preacher - The Rev. Dr. Peter Bridge

Weekly Announcements

If you would like to attend our upcoming 10/1 CAST piano concert with Richard Alston, now is the time to buy tickets – only $25 ($10 for students!) You can purchase them online at, get them from Bobbie Powell or a member of CAST, or call the Cathedral office at (609) 392-3805 ext. 100. Please come out and support our music ministry.

Sunday, October 1st is our Blessing of the Animals in honor of the Feast of St. Francis! Bring your furry friends to the 10:00 am Mass for their blessing (and lots of petting, if desired!)

NOW is the time to make your contribution to our 19th Annual Bishop George E. Councell Memorial Golf Tournament – our biggest fundraiser of the year! Can you contribute a prize for our raffle? Perhaps a $20 bottle of wine for the cork pull? How about purchasing a dinner ticket to join us for the awarding of The Bishop’s Cup? Enjoy dinner with Bishop Sally French, fellow parishioners and the golfers who come out to support our Cathedral. See Willie Coleman or call the Cathedral office.print

Trinity parishioner John Gummere will be showing his paintings in a solo exhibit at the Trenton Social, October 6 – 31, with an opening reception Friday October 6, 6pm – 11pm. The Trenton Social is located at 449 South Broad Street, near US1 and Sacred Heart Church. 10% of any sales will benefit Urban Promise Trenton. John’s work is online at — if you have any questions he can be reached at 215-817-8531.

UrbanPromise Trenton: Always looking for folks willing to donate an hour per week to work with the children! Areas of need include reading, financial literacy for grades 5-6 (curriculum provided), and crafts. We have all materials needed for these activities and can obtain more as needed. Contact me at: or (609) 273-3351 ~ Georgia Koenig

Join us for Sunday Hospitality! – Enjoy coffee, cold drinks and snacks each week. On the first Sunday of each month, we will have cake to celebrate all of our congregants’ birthdays for that month. If you would like to help out with Hospitality hour, please speak with Larry Spears on Sundays.   

The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, October 14th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am. All food contributions to the Pantry are welcomed, along with monetary donations to purchase additional food from the food bank and local groceries.

Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 5:00–6:00pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.

The Cathedral is currently offering communion with both Christ’s Body and Blood. You may choose to receive only the host at this time. Should you choose to receive the wine, one vessel will be offered for those who want to sip the wine from the common cup. Another vessel will be offered for those who wish to receive by intinction (the host dipped in the wine.) Please note only the Chalice Administrator will intinct the host. (Diocese of New Jersey revised protocols.)