The Vestry
The Very Rev. Rene R. John, Dean
J. Gilbert Williams, Senior Warden
Margaret Nartey, Junior Warden
Ronald Zilinski, Treasurer
Chinweze Ahaghotu, Clerk
Canon Paul Cooper
Edward Greenfield
John Gummere
Lourdez Hernandez
Althia Muse
Bobbie (Barbara) Powell
Samuel Richards
Larry Spears
Leopold (Lee) Whiteman
The Major Chapter
The Major Chapter consists of the members of the Vestry and the clergy and lay members of other parishes in the diocese as listed below.
The Rt. Rev. Sally J. French, 13th Bishop of New Jersey
The Very Rev. Rene R. John, Dean
Beth Binde
Canon Wendy Blackman
Rev. Kyle Cuperwich
Canon Noreen Duncan
Tracy John
Rev. Dcn. Keith McCoy
David A. Miller
Rev. Dr. John P. Mitchell
Joseph Walker
Rev. Anne McRae-Wrede
Katherine Young
Canons of the Cathedral
Paul Ambos, Esq.
Morris Anderson
Barbara O. Bach
The Rev. Valerie L. Balling
The Rev. John C. Belmont
Wendy V. Blackman
Annette Buchanan
The Rev. Charles A. Cesaretti
Dr. Paul Cooper
Terry Cooper
The Rev. Dr. Robert E. Droste
Noreen L. Duncan
The Rev. Joan E. Fleming
Donna Freidel
The Rev. Elizabeth R. Geitz
Clara Gregory
Valaida Wynn Guerrero
The Rev. Martin Gutwein
The Rev. Pedro S. Guzman
The Rev. Dr. Francis A. Hubbard
The Rev. Dr. Brian A. Jemmott
Phyllis B. Jones
The Rev. Robert H. Legnani
Dr. Philip G. Lewis, MD, MPH
The Rev. Leroy A. Lyons
The Rev. Joan M. Pettit Mason
The Rev. Karin R. Mitchell
The Rev. Dr. John P. Mitchell
The Rev. Linda L. Moeller
The Rev. Bruce Montgomery
Karen Moore
The Rev. Theodore E. Moore, Dcn.
The Rev. Dr. Kevin J. Moroney
The Rev. John Thomas Morrow
Anna M. Notte
The Rev. Jayne J. Oasin
Rosa Peña
The Rev. Ronald N. Pollock
The Rev. Arthur P. Powell
The Rev. Lee Powers
The Rev. Dr. Francisco Pozo
The Rev. William V. Rauscher
Mary Ann Rhoads
The Rev. Terrence W. Rosheuvel
The Rev. Alan K. Salmon
The Rev. Clive Sang, Dcn.
The Rev. Virginia M. Sheay
The Rev. Dr. Kara N. Slade
The Rev. José Ramon Ubiera Torres
Sebastian Vazquez
Steve Welch
Constance White
Paul Wolfgang
The Rev. Richard C. Wrede
The Rev. E. Walton Zelley, Jr.
The Rev. Edmund Zelley