Updates from the Dean – It’s been a busy start to 2025 at the Cathedral! To commemorate Black History Month, the Cathedral Arts Series (CAST) presented the return of Keith Spencer in concert as he performed The Paul Robeson Songbook. The concert was reasonably well-attended and his performance was outstanding! Thanks to Bobbie Powell and the CAST Committee for their work.
We hosted, on behalf of the Diocese, a revival of the annual Acolyte Festival; last held in February of 2020, this marked the first one since the pandemic. It was nicely attended by Diocesan youth and our own Cathedral youth. Thank you to our Acolytes – Laurus Ketter, Cyrus Ketter, Jr., Thomas Moore and Prince Roberts – for representing the Cathedral at this event.
The Diocese also held the 47th Absalom Jones Service of Witness on February 16th, which was a wonderful celebration of Blessed Absalom.
The Vestry is grateful to the Reverend Jeffrey Roy, Rector of St. George’s Church, Rumson who led our Vestry Quiet Day on Saturday, March 1st. This year’s theme was Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service. The Vestry was committed to stepping away from the day-to-day to immerse themselves in a day of reflection, visioning, and spiritual renewal. The agenda was designed to celebrate our past, discern our future, and cultivate the next season of ministry at Trinity Cathedral. We are grateful to two Major Chapter members – Joseph Walker and Canon Wendy Blackman – who also joined us for the Quiet Day.
Through prayer, engaging discussions, and strategic planning, we explored where God is calling us next. We prayed for inspiring conversations, meaningful fellowship, and actionable takeaways to help our community flourish. Let us continue to plant the seeds for a vibrant 2025!
Please plan to participate, as able, in our two Lenten offerings. “Talking Across a Divide” will be led by the Executive Director of The Peace Center, Danny Thomas on March 16th, 23rd and 30th following the 10:00 am Eucharist. Given what is happening in our nation, we want to seek constructive ways to converse with each other in our church and community.
Additionally, our Seminary Intern Angela DiJoseph will lead our Lenten Series: “Renewing our Minds Through a Closer Look at Our Collects” on Wednesday the 12th, 19th and 26th of March and April 2nd and 9th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm via Zoom. Please call the Cathedral office for the Zoom link.
Read more about these great happenings and MORE; simply click on the purple box to download our March issue!