Ordained a priest in 1965 in South Africa, Peter Bridge’s ministry there included pastoral work in both urban and rural settings including activism to expose the apartheid government’s nefarious schemes to “resettle” people in so-called “homelands”. He was received into the Episcopal Priesthood in 2002 and has served as a Priest Associate at Trinity Cathedral for more than 20 years. He had a 35-year career as a Certified Pastoral Counselor with licenses in both Clinical Social Work and Marriage and Family Therapy. He was Clinical Director of the Samaritan Counseling Center where his work included congregational consulting, seminary teaching, clergy coaching and the training and supervision of aspiring therapists. Peter describes Jane, to whom he has been married for 45 years, and their four children, as the real “seminary” of his life! “They have supported me in all my efforts, taught me what’s really important in life, taught me about love and made me proud in so many ways.” “Today is the day the Lord has made, Exult and Rejoice in it!”