The Reverend Canon Bruce Montgomery is a Priest Associate at Trinity Cathedral and St. Matthew’s Pennington and also the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Missions. This past year he was elected to the office of honorary Canon by Bishop Stokes and the Cathedral Chapter. He served St. Martin’s, Bridgewater as Vicar and Rector for 37 1/2 years. Prior to that he was a Curate at St. Anne’s Abington in the Diocese of Pennsylvania from 1977 – 1982.
Rev. Montgomery grew up in the Presbyterian Church (First Presbyterian Church Dearborn Michigan) went to Albion College in Michigan, a Methodist Liberal Arts College where he received a B.A majoring in Economics and Business Administration in 1972. He attended Princeton Seminary as a Presbyterian Aspirant for Ordained Ministry in 1972, 1974-1975 and did a 15-month (four quarters) CPE internship at Central Islip Psychiatric Center in Long Island where he, “Found himself, met his wife in an Adult Confirmation Class, and became an Episcopalian and Episcopal postulant for Ordination.” He attended General Theological Seminary for his senior year, graduating in May 1977.
Bishop Jonathan Sherman ordained him to the Diaconate at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City on June 11, 1977. Almost a year later, he was ordained a Priest on May 30, 1978, at St. Anne’s Abington, where he served as Curate and Assistant to the Rector, The Very Rev. Herbert Rowe for 4 1/2 years.