Weekly Announcements
The Lectors for the 10:00 am Mass on 6/30 are:
Cn. Phil Lewis, Gail Lewis, Susan Remmers & Cn. Clara Gregory (alternate)
Margaret Nartey (chalice bearer)
The Greeters for the 10:00 am Mass on 6/30 (5th Sunday) are:
Margaret Nartey & Karlene Blasse (alternate)
The Altar Guild Shop will be closed in July, but if you need something, contact Lucy Adams at trinitycathedralags@gmail.com or leave a message at the Cathedral Office.
A walker has been given to the Cathedral, to be donated to anyone who is in need of such a device. If you have a need for a walker, please speak with Willie Coleman, Usher.
At our meeting on June 10, the Vestry, in support of Episcopal Community Services (ECS), voted to be a sustaining member of ECS for 2024. The contribution for a sustaining member is $3,000. Please feel free to contribute this effort as you are able. (Checks can be made payable to Trinity Cathedral, with “ECS” on the memo line, and put in the collection plate or sent to the office.)
Have you checked out our “A Taste of Joy – Recipes of Trinity Cathedral” cookbook? – Proceeds from the sale of the books are going to provide fresh produce to our Food Pantry. Get yours today at the Cathedral Altar Guild Shop for just $10 or contact Lucy Adams at trinitycathedralags@gmail.com. Also, if you are interested in selling the books, let Lucy know. Thank you for your support!
We are re-starting our Lay Eucharistic Ministry to Hamilton Grove Care & Rehabilitation Center – We will lead worship and administer communion every first and third Sunday of each month to the facility’s geriatric, infirm, and convalescing patients. Service leaflets are provided and we make every effort to send folks in pairs so they have assistance. Flu shots and TB vaccines are mandatory for anyone participating (must provide proof). COVID shots are welcomed but not mandatory. Please speak to Larry Spears or Dean John if you are interested in serving this community.
The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, July 13th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am.
Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 4:15–5:30pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.
Join ECS-NJ in an important justice ministry – helping eligible NJ residents to vote. Volunteers are needed to be trained and then in their free time–evenings, weekends, whatever is available–help make sure that everyone eligible in your area is registered, educated, and gets out to vote. Contact Canon Clara Gregory or Catherine Ambos at info@ecs-nj.org for further information or to join the effort. The New Jersey voter registration is 21 days before the election, or October 15.
Will you join ECS-NJ at the June 29 “Moral March on Washington D.C. & to the Polls”? Register and secure bus seat(s) here https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/.
This key march kicks off four months of outreach to voters. Want to help? Contact ECS-NJ at info@ecs-nj.org.