September 10, 2023

Creation Care Sunday: Remembering All Impacted By September 11, 2001

10:00am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
The Very Rev. René John, Celebrant
The Very Rev. Dr. Caroline Carson, Preacher

9 11 memorial 03 marley white

We remember before you members of our Diocese and friends who were killed in the events of September 11, 2001: Colleen A. Meehan Barkow; Jane Beatty; David O. Campbell; Dean P. Eberling; John C. Hartz; Stephen Joseph; Allison Hortsmann Jones; Edward H. Luckett, II; Charles W. Mathers; Karl T. Smith; Edward T. Strauss; Robert R. Talhami; Sal Tieri; Police Officer Mark Ellis; Police Officer Raymond Suarez; Janine Damiani Jones, and the First Responders who lost their lives; Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Weekly Announcements

The Lectors for the 10:00 am Mass on 9/17 are:
Sue Gummere, Frances O’Brien, Erica Warner & Fay Manicke (alternate)

UrbanPromise Trenton: A huge THANK YOU to Greg Cooper for assembling the new cabinets in the Baggott Room; what an improvement! Always looking for folks willing to donate an hour per week to work with the children. Priorities are READING and other basic skills that fell behind during COVID on-line learning in the elementary years. There are two ‘enrichment’ activities that are looking for a volunteer: one is financial literacy for middle schoolers (grades 5-6). We have a well-written curriculum, but we need someone who is comfortable with the contents and working with children of this age. You can take a look at the material before committing! Also looking for someone who loves doing crafts; we have lots of materials, and can order specifics if needed. You can ask for a tour of what we have before committing. Contact me at: or (609) 273-3351 ~ Georgia

A Cathedral cookbook is being put together & we need your recipes! As you know, healthy eating is important, so we would especially like your favorites (we don’t claim that they are original, just favorites we make.) Appetizer, snack, vegetable, fruit, main course, drink, soup, and dessert recipes are welcome. There is a form you can fill out (or attach to) to turn your recipe in, on the literature table in the main hallway. Have a question, need more info., or to send electronically, contact:

Lucy Adams at: or Clara Gregory at:

Join us for Sunday Hospitality! – Enjoy coffee, cold drinks and snacks each week. On the first Sunday of each month, we will have cake to celebrate all of our congregants’ birthdays for that month. If you would like to help out with Hospitality hour, please speak with Larry Spears on Sundays.

The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, September 23rd (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am. All food contributions to the Pantry are welcomed, along with monetary donations to purchase additional food from the food bank and local groceries.

Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 5:00–6:00pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.

The Cathedral is currently offering communion with both Christ’s Body and Blood. You may choose to receive only the host at this time. Should you choose to receive the wine, one vessel will be offered for those who want to sip the wine from the common cup. Another vessel will be offered for those who wish to receive by intinction (the host dipped in the wine.) Please note only the Chalice Administrator will intinct the host. (Diocese of New Jersey revised protocols.)