Weekly Announcements
The Lectors for the 10:00 AM Mass on 4/6 are:
Howard Ebersole, Cn. Clara Gregory, John Gummere & Larry Spears (alternate)
Chalice bearer: TBD
The Ushers/Greeters for Sunday, 4/6 (1st Sunday) are:
Veronica Ngwayah (Greeter/Usher), Edward Greenfield (alternate)
Building Bridges – Join us today for the last of three “Building Bridges” conversations, presented by Danny Thomas, Executive Director of The Peace Center. Excerpted from The Peace Center’s workshop, “Talking Across a Divide”, Building Bridges explores the basics of and differences between communication and dialogue. They are not always the same! Our discussions are addressing the need for helpful conversations in these challenging times. Join us after the 10am Mass, in Synod Hall (guests welcome.) Enjoy coffee, tea, cold drinks and healthy snacks.
Each Thursday in Lent through April 10th, we will observe the Stations of the Cross at 8:00 pm via Zoom (in place of our usual Rosary Devotions.) If you would like to participate, call the office for the link.
Our 2025 Lenten Series – What are the collects of the Church? How can these beautiful prayers help to strengthen our faith by reminding us of God’s goodness, mercy, and love? Join us on Wednesday evenings in Lent as we explore these deep truths, how they connect to Scripture, and how we can inwardly digest them as food for our Lenten journey. We’ll meet via Zoom from 7 – 8:30 PM for five consecutive Wednesday evenings (March 12th – April 9th). There is nothing to purchase, you’ll just want to have a Bible for reference. If you need the Zoom link, please contact the Cathedral office.
It’s time to prepare for our Easter egg hunt! – On Sunday, April 20th we will host our annual East egg hunt on the grounds of the Cathedral (weather permitting). Can you contribute to the egg hunt? We don’t actually need any more eggs – what we DO need are egg fillers: candy, coins and very small toys and prizes that can fit inside. Please bring your contributions to the Cathedral office. Thanks!
The Trinity Cathedral Food Pantry needs reusable grocery bags! Strong, clean, new or gently used bags would be appreciated. Please leave bags in the collection bin near the “ship table (literature table)” in the Cathedral. Please speak to Cookie Hernandez or Lucy Adams if you have any questions.
The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, April 12th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am. Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 4:15–5:30pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.