October 13, 2024

Pentecost 21 ~ Proper 22

10:00AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant & Preacher - The Reverend Dr. Peter Bridge

Weekly Announcements


The Lectors for the 10:00 am Mass on 10/20 are:

Suzette Price, Brenda Whiteman, Virginia Harmer & Ellen Heath (alternate)
Chalice bearer – Bobbie Powell

The Greeters for the 10:00 am Mass on 10/20 (3rd Sunday) are:mark 26812c

Jennifer Ng’andu (alternate – Margaret Nartey)


Dear Friends,

I feel compelled to ask you to join me as able, to contribute to a collection for our sisters & brothers affected by the recent hurricanes. Some will be less able to recover from these types of tragedies, and I believe we need to stand together with humanity. Please contribute this Sunday, or consider doing as soon as able. Checks can be made payable to Trinity Cathedral; please write “Hurricane Relief” on the memo line.



O God, our times are in your hand.  In the midst of uncertainty lead us by your never-failing grace as we seek to be agents of healing and hope. Walk with us through difficult times; watch over us in danger; and give to us a spirit of love and compassion for those who suffer and mourn. And finally remind us that you have promised never to leave us so that even in the valley of the shadow of death your love may be felt, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.


It’s back! – The Cathedral African Festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are just $25 for adults, $10 for children; please see Gaw Jones or a member of the African Festival Committee to purchase. 


Trinity Altar Guild Shop Fall Update – Join us Sunday, October 20th – the Shop will be open! Check out our new items and bargain table! Free Gift for just stopping in! Starting in November the shop will be open the 1st & 3rd Sundays after both services. During Advent – open every Sunday.


The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, October 26th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am. Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 4:15–5:30pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.