Our response to God’s undeniable love for Creation
A few days before Earth Day 2023, we were excited to hold the inaugural meeting of Trinity Cathedral’s Creation Care Ministry. We were brought together by our deep passion and concern for “this fragile earth, our island home,” to discern how God is calling us to be better stewards of creation. After exploring what Creation Care means to us as individuals, we examined how the abuse of our planet, over-consumption, and environmental injustices and fundamentally theological issues, and as people of faith we have no choice but to respond to the current climate emergency and all the consequences that flow from it.
A dedicated Creation Care team has since met monthly to develop new initiatives under the three broad categories of
1) Education and Awareness,
2) Advocacy/Environmental Justice,
3) Local Conservation and “green” practices.
Specific Creation Care initiatives completed since 2023 include:

- A Creation Care Education and Awareness Forum in September 2023.
- A permanent Creation Care “Education and Awareness” display in the Cathedral nave.
- The elimination of plastic cups, plates, cutlery, etc. at Sunday morning coffee hour.
- A commitment to use eco-friendly cleaning products throughout the Cathedral space.
- A renewed commitment to Recycling waste from the Cathedral.
- An Earth Day “Plastics vs the Planet” display in Synod Hall.
- The production and curation of environmental informational material.
- Monthly Creation Care articles in Trinity Times.
- The dissemination of environmental advocacy opportunities.
- Partnership with ISLES Inc for environmental grant opportunities.

In the immediate future we plan to expand the Cathedral’s involvement with environmental justice concerns by furthering our relationship with ISLES Inc, the Trenton-based community development and environmental organization. (https://ISLES.org). And we will continue to develop the Cathedral’s “green” practices and polices to make our faith community a leading example in Creation Care and Environmental Justice.
Please contact Deacon Christopher Cox for more information or to join our dedicated Creation Care Team! ChristopherECox@aol.com