Our Creation Care Ministry is excited to announce a partnership with Isles, Inc. to offer FREE cooking demonstrations, hands-on cooking classes, and “Dinner and a Movie” evenings at Trinity Cathedral! Learn to make delicious, plant-based (but not always vegetarian) meals at home on the second Tuesday of each month. Join us on the last Tuesday of each month for dinner and a movie featuring topics of environmental interest. The program runs March through December 2025.
To register, use the QR code in the flyer or call (609) 341-4704.
Our Creation Care Ministry comes together each month driven by a deep passion and concern for “this fragile earth, our island home” to discern how God is calling us to be better stewards of Creation. As people of faith, we have no choice but to respond to the current climate emergency and all the consequences that flow from it. This joint project with Isles, Inc. will address key environmental justice issues such as food insecurity and wellness, empowerment for environmental improvement and reduced carbon footprint. It is made possible through a grant from Episcopal Community Services (ECS) – NJ.