Understanding Donations
Like most churches, Trinity Cathedral offers our parishioners the opportunity to give thanks to our Lord for the blessings that have been bestowed on them, in the form of a proportion of their treasure. We hope that each of our members will consider a joyful and sacrificial level of support by making a yearly commitment to the Cathedral. We know, as a result of your devoted involvement in Trinity Cathedral, you see the face of Christ in so many of your brothers and sisters who share the worship, and musical and social experiences that take place here. As a result of the regular giving of our parishioners, and the support of other regular donors, the Cathedral has been able to achieve a number of important goals.
Just some of these include: We distribute an average of 110 bags of food through our Food Pantry, and distribute over 100 turkey dinners “with all the trimmings” for Thanksgiving. The Cathedral is also a satellite feeding site for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), distributing 50 hot meals each Thursday. Through the Food Pantry and the Soup Kitchen, thousands of pairs of new socks and hats, donated by the Wigwam Sock Company and Trinity parishioners, have been distributed in winter. We have partnered with organizations including the American Heart and Stroke Association by hosting the “Healthier Heart Farmers’ Market” in the summer. Groups like Capital Health System and St. Francis Medical Center join us periodically to host community Health Forums, on topics including breast cancer awareness, HIV/AIDS, heart disease and young women’s heath issues, with more to come.
In collaboration with Urban Promise, we hosted a free five-week summer camp for area children, while formulating plans to offer the acclaimed Urban Promise after school program. We hosted over 100 Diocesan events, drawing clergy and lay leadership from throughout the State of New Jersey and beyond. We are most grateful for the commitment of our members and we trust that making your gift to the Lord, whether in time, talent and/or treasure, is fulfilling to you as well. If you would like to make a pledge, please fill out and submit the form provided below, or contact Patrice D’Angelo, our Cathedral Administrator, at (609) 392-3805, ext. 100.
Faith guides our steps. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8