February 18, 2024

Last Sunday after the Epiphany

10:00AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - The Very Reverend Rene John, Dean
Preacher - Kimme Carlos

Weekly Announcementsb12year13gc


The Lectors for the 10:00 am Mass on 2/18 are:

Larry Spears, John Gummere, Cn. Terry Cooper, Howard Ebersole (alternate)

& Bobbie Powell (chalice bearer)

2024 Stewardship Update – Thank you to all who have pledged your support to the Cathedral for 2024! We currently have 75 pledging units, totaling $261,880 – an average of $3,492. If you would like a pledge card, please speak with Willie Coleman, J. Gil Williams or Dean John.

TODAY is Souper Bowl Sunday – Thank you for sharing canned goods with our Food Pantry If you have not been able to bring something in, but want to contribute; you can leave a donation or see Lucy Adams to purchase items for you.  Let’s get that touch-down feeling by filling the goal box!

Join us for Ash Wednesday Mass at 12:10 pm and 7:30 pm on Wednesday, February 14th.

The Diocesan Absalom Jones Service of Witness to Black Ministry will be held at the Cathedral on Sunday, February 18th at 3:00 pm – join us!

The deadline to submit articles, photos and announcements for the March issue of The Trinity Times is Monday, February 19th – please E-mail all submissions to Patrice in the Cathedral office at patriceattrinity@aol.com

The Cathedral office will be closed on Monday, February 19, 2024 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

Join us for our Lenten Series – Weekly reflections on “How We Learn to Be Brave” by Bishop Mariann Budde will be led by Canon Dr. Phil Lewis. Wednesdays, February 21st and 28th, and March 6th, 13th and 20th. Sessions will be held via Zoom from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. For more information, including the Zoom link, please speak with Phil or Dean John. The book is available for purchase at the Altar Guild Shop.

If you are interested in helping the Food Pantry, we can especially use one or two volunteers who can lift up to 50 pounds – We have folks who can pack our food bags, but they require assistance lifting cases of canned goods onto the packing tables and moving the packed bags into place to be handed out. Can you fill this need? Please call Lourdez “Cookie” Hernandez at (609) 902-8282.

“A Taste of Joy – Recipes of Trinity Cathedral” cookbook is available! – Proceeds from the sale of the books are going to provide fresh produce to our Food Pantry. Even if you do not cook or don’t have a particular person to gift it to, you can still assist by purchasing books and we’ll donate them to the Food Pantry. Get yours today at the Cathedral Altar Guild Shop for just $10 or contact Lucy Adams at trinitycathedralags@gmail.com.  Also, if you are interested in selling the books, let Lucy know. Thank you in advance for your support!

The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, February 24th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am.

Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 4:15–5:30pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.