November 5, 2023

All Saints' Sunday

8:30AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:00AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant & Preacher - The Very Reverend Rene R. John, Dean

Weekly Announcements

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The Homegoing Service for Elsie Nelson Pilgrim, beloved Aunt of Trinity parishioner Jocelyn Francis-White, will be held Friday, November 10, 2023 at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Viewing at 8:00 am, Mass at 10:00 am.

This Wednesday, November 8th, Canon Joanne Izzo, Interim Canon to the Ordinary of our Diocese will Preach and Celebrate at our Wednesday, 12:10 pm Healing Service. Join us for a mid-week respite from your busy schedule!                                    

Christmas Wreath Sale – Our Christmas Wreath sale is ON for 2023! Wreaths will be available for purchase on Sunday, December 3rd. We can also use volunteers to help decorate the wreaths on Friday, December 1st. In the meantime, it is VERY helpful if folks RSVP and let us know how many they would like to reserve (helps when placing our orders for materials). If you would like a wreath or two, or to volunteer to decorate them, please contact Georgia Koenig at (609) 273-3351 or, or call the office.

Food Pantry Thanksgiving – The Food Pantry will be having its Turkey Day on November 14th, with the bags of sides and fixin’s distributed on November 18th. While we do receive turkeys from the Food Bank, the demand outweighs the amount each year (we are hoping for 25 more medium (6-8 lb.) turkeys). If you would like to donate a turkey, please do so by November 13th (if necessary, late turkeys can be re-homed after the “official” turkey day.) You can contact Patrice in the office at (609) 392-3805 ext. 100 to arrange drop-off. If you would like to contribute side dishes (stuffing, boxed potatoes, gravy, canned vegetables, etc.) they can be brought to the Cathedral anytime on weekdays through November 12th (or bring to Sunday Mass.) Financial contributions are always welcome.

Angel Tree – The Angel Tree Committee is gearing up for our 2023 Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Christmas. Details on this year’s schedule (availability of gift request tags, gift wrapping, and gift distribution) will be forthcoming shortly.  Again this year, gifts will be distributed from Synod Hall approximately one week before Christmas. If you have any questions regarding this ministry or if you wish to volunteer, please contact Judith Miller at (609) 586-0915 or

Can you help with the Greening? – The greening of the Cathedral will take place on Saturday, December 16 from 8:00 am – Noon. Many hands make light work, so please consider lending a hand as we get our Cathedral beautified for Christmas! For more information or to RSVP, please speak with Sue Remmers or Dean John.

Join us for Sunday Hospitality! – Enjoy coffee, cold drinks and snacks each week. On the first Sunday of each month, we will have cake to celebrate all of our congregants’ birthdays for that month. If you would like to help out with Hospitality hour, please speak with Larry Spears on Sundays.   

The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, November 11th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am. All food contributions to the Pantry are welcomed, along with monetary donations to purchase additional food from the food bank and local groceries.

Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 5:00–6:00pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.

The Cathedral is currently offering communion with both Christ’s Body and Blood. You may choose to receive only the host at this time. Should you choose to receive the wine, one vessel will be offered for those who want to sip the wine from the common cup. Another vessel will be offered for those who wish to receive by intinction (the host dipped in the wine.) Please note only the Chalice Administrator will intinct the host. (Diocese of New Jersey revised protocols.)