December 8, 2024

Advent 2 ~ 2024

10:00AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - The Very Reverend Rene John
Preacher - The Reverend Canon Bruce Montgomery

Weekly Announcements

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The Lectors for the 10:00 am Mass on 12/15 are:
Fay Manicke, Erica Warner, Gil Williams, Bobbie Powell, Cn. Phil Lewis, John Gummere, Ellen Heath, Susan Remmers, Dean John & Sue Gummere (Chinweze Ahaghotu – alternate)
Chalice bearer – Virginia Harmer

The Greeters for the 10:00 am Mass on 12/15 (3rd Sunday) are:
Jennifer Ng’andu (alternate – Margaret Nartey)


We will be greening the Cathedral on Saturday, December 21, 2024 from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Please speak with Art Powell, or call Patrice in the office, if you would like to help out for a bit that day – many hands make light work! Anything not completed that day will be finished up on Sunday, December 22 after the 10:00am Mass.


There are Advent calendars for adults, teens and kids on the literature table in the main hallway.


This week we will be bagging food for the Food Pantry; please join us on Thursday, December 12th to help out! (NOTE NEW PANTRY DATES – Our Pantry will now be open the 2nd and 4th Saturdays this month, as usual.) 


2025 Stewardship Update – We have received $256,468 in pledges from 69 pledging families, for an average of $3,717 per family. Thank you for your generosity! If you would like a pledge card, please ask an Usher.


Thanks to all who ordered Christmas wreaths from our wreath sale! See you TODAY for wreath pick-up and our “Santa’s Workshop” Christmas sale after the 10:00am Mass!  


Altar Guild Shop Update – Check out the many new items – great for gift-giving! Christmas cards and stocking stuffers, too! Weekly specials are waiting for you! The Shop will be open Sundays during Advent.

Need that unique gift? The shop has a variety of nativities & ornaments from around the world.

The ornament tree is waiting to get bare!  Also featuring beautiful upcycled jewelry from flatware.

Free gift-wrapping! Shop locally: save gas, time & money!

SPECIAL: “Taste of Joy – Recipes of Trinity Cathedral” Cookbook SALE – now just $7! (Reg. $10.) Cookbook proceeds buy fresh produce for our Food Pantry. Wrapped with a wooden utensil, now $10 – great hostess gifts for Christmas parties. A gift with a cause!


ANGEL TREE Update – Gifts may be dropped off at the Cathedral office at any time, but are due no later than December 8th. Donations of wrapping paper, bows/ribbons, and scotch tape are still needed, as well as a few large and medium size gift bags. For anyone who is available and would like to help with gift wrapping, please join us in Synod Hall on Thursday, December 12th, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Our Angel Tree families will pick-up gifts from the Guild Room on Saturday, December 21st, between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. For information or to volunteer, contact Judith Miller at 609-586-0915 or; or see her on Sunday after 10:00 o’clock service.


Let’s help our brothers & sisters WARM UP! – Do you have any coats, sweaters, or hoodies that are just sitting in your closet waiting to warm up someone? We are collecting new and gently used clean coats, sweaters and hoodies:  adult, teen and children’s sizes. New sock donations welcomed too! Please bring your items by Sunday, December 29th. Thank you in advance for sharing your gift of warmth! (Distribution day is December 30th.)


The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, December 14th (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am. Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 4:15–5:30pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.