Welcome to Trinity Cathedral, where the past and present coexist in a vibrant duality. It is as ancient as Gregorian chant, as up-to-date as a child learning to sing. Trinity recognizes its role as modeling excellence in Anglican worship; service to all, and genuine support of the arts.
Standing as it does in the urban environment of Trenton - a community of working-class and middle-class people surrounded by affluent suburbs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania - Trinity Cathedral opens its doors to any and all comers, a visible agent of God's love in Christ, joyfully embracing all people. Please take a moment to explore our website, and discover the many aspects of our worship and witness, our partnerships with the local community, and our life together as a parish church. We cordially invite you to join the Friends of the Cathedral, who have a vital part to play in supporting our work. And if it seems that Trinity Cathedral could be your spiritual home, then we will most warmly welcome you as a member.
Inquiries about pastoral services such as funerals and weddings are welcome, but whatever your reason for visiting our website, I would be delighted to hear from you – by email reneroryjohn@gmail.com or by telephone (609) 392-3805 or by completing this contact form.
Yours in Christ,
René John
Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Diocese of New Jersey
Dean's Welcome
Our Mission
Trinity Cathedral, a church in the world-wide Anglican Communion, is a vibrant faith-infused community with three related, but distinct roles.
First, we are the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of New Jersey. In this role, we provide hospitality and regular opportunities for worship, learning, and fellowship for all members of the Anglican Communion in the Diocese. More than 30 diocesan events are held in the Cathedral annually, and The Altar Guild Shop serves as a source of religious books, gifts and furnishings.
Second, we are a parish church serving members of a diverse worshipping community, seeking spiritual development, doing good works, and being faithful stewards of the inheritance God has given us.
Third, we are a resource to the wider community, promoting a range of outreach ministries to the city of Trenton and beyond.
First, we are the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of New Jersey. In this role, we provide hospitality and regular opportunities for worship, learning, and fellowship for all members of the Anglican Communion in the Diocese. More than 30 diocesan events are held in the Cathedral annually, and The Altar Guild Shop serves as a source of religious books, gifts and furnishings.
Second, we are a parish church serving members of a diverse worshipping community, seeking spiritual development, doing good works, and being faithful stewards of the inheritance God has given us.
Third, we are a resource to the wider community, promoting a range of outreach ministries to the city of Trenton and beyond.