March 17, 2024

Lent 5

8:30AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:00AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - The Very Reverend Rene John
Preacher - The Reverend Genevieve Bishop

b15year17gcWeekly Announcements


The Lectors for the 10:00 am Mass on 3/24 are:

Youth for Family Sunday & Margaret Nartey (chalice bearer)


TODAY is the last day to turn in donations toward Easter flowers and music, and names to be included in our Easter Memorial list.


You are invited to participate virtually in making the Stations of the Cross on Thursday evening, March 21 at 8 pm. (Rosary devotions will not be held on these dates.) Dean John has copies of the materials you will need, including the Zoom link (you can also join by phone.) The host, Canon Paul Cooper, will share his computer screen showing the forms we will follow for these devotions, in much the same way we did it in All Saints Chapel before the pandemic. But this time we will use an updated version of the Stations aimed at helping us to grow in following Jesus in our daily living.


Maundy Thursday overnight vigil – This year, the vigil will begin at the close of the Maundy Thursday service and end at 11:00pm. It will resume at 6:00 am on Good Friday. Please considering signing up for an hour of prayer on the board in the main hallway.


There are Lenten calendars on the literature table in the main hallway: for adults, teens and children!


The Altar Guild Gift Shop will be open today and Palm Sunday. Stop in for Easter basket specials!


This week we will bag food for the Food Pantry – We can use assistance the Thursday prior to each Pantry date. This week’s bagging day is Thursday, March 21st at 4:45 pm.


We are in need of 1-2 Greeters on Sunday mornings – if you would like to sign up, there is a clipboard on the literature table in the main hallway outside of Synod Hall. If you have any questions, please speak with Margaret Nartey.


It’s almost time for the EASTER EGG HUNT! We are hoping (?hopping?) to once again hold the Trinity Cathedral Easter Egg Hunt this year, March 31st! Can you help? We are looking for: Easter egg fillers (not eggs) and small baskets with handles. Please drop off all donations at the Cathedral! Any questions? Please call Rose Cooper or E-mail her at


“A Taste of Joy – Recipes of Trinity Cathedral” cookbook is still available! – Proceeds from the sale of the books are going to provide fresh produce to our Food Pantry. Get yours today at the Cathedral Altar Guild Shop for just $10 or contact Lucy Adams at  Also, if you are interested in selling the books, let Lucy know. Thank you for your support!


Join us for the last week of our Lenten Series – Reflections on “How We Learn to Be Brave” by Bishop Mariann Budde are led by Canon Dr. Phil Lewis this Wednesday, March 20th via Zoom from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. For help joining the session or questions, feel free to contact Phil by text at (267) 907-3050 or by E-mail at


If you are interested in helping the Food Pantry, we can especially use one or two volunteers who can lift up to 50 pounds – We have folks who can pack our food bags, but they require assistance lifting cases of canned goods onto the packing tables and moving the packed bags into place to be handed out. Can you fill this need? Please call Lourdez “Cookie” Hernandez at (609) 902-8282.


The next Food Pantry distribution date is – Saturday, March 23rd (2nd & 4th Saturdays this month) from 9-11:00 am.


Each Thursday, we distribute hot dinners “to go” from 4:15–5:30pm at the Overbrook Avenue entrance as a satellite location for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.